Your wellness network architect

I’m your virtual Customer Experience Officer and Wellness Network Architect

For 35 years, I’ve been connecting CEOs, cultivating trust, and catalyzing business growth by understanding the mind of the customer. I’ve worked in corporate, nonprofit, and a variety of entrepreneurial environments. In 2018 I designed a program called Life Strategy Design and started collecting a deep bench of professionals dedicated to whole health and wellness.

Today CEOs hire me to help them fill the gaps in business development with customer-focused processes and systems. I speak CRM. Because of my connections in the field of wellness and whole life leadership, I love to help health and wellness service providers build strong networks and reliable systems for serving their customer.

If you are a founder CEO of a health and wellness business, let’s talk about how to expand your network and get more leads.

3 ways to engage

Catalyst Community

Join a monthly gathering of founder CEOs designing your business network by identifying the catalysts for your business growth. Sign up for our community and we’ll send you the calendar invite.

Business Catalyst Workshop

This is a half day virtual workshop to create your customer avatar, design your customer journey map, and cultivate your customer relationship strategy. Registration limited to 10 CEOs.


This private coaching day will give you the results of the Business Catalyst Workshop and get your new customer relationship strategy plugged into a customer relationship management system.

Not sure how we can help? Take our customer experience audit to see the gaps in your business development strategy.

What our clients are saying

Go High or Go Home

Growing business migrated to Go High Level to increase their reach

You are the superhero to your customers in your area of expertise, but creating backend business systems to grow your business is not your expertise. The Virtual CXO is your own executive team extension. Don’t take our word for it. See what our customers have to say.

Megan heard that I had moved my client to Go High Level and said, “That’s what I’m using. Can you help me?” We scrubbed the data from the old database, imported it into Go High Level, and set up her pipeline to make sure her team stays on top of leads.

Makes cents

CPA just needed a CRM automation tuneup

Sarah was happy with her CRM. Financial Cents was made for CPAs and it was already loaded with all her customer data, but she needed help building the automations that created a practical workflow. Within 45 days we had systems set up to automatically remind clients of outstanding tasks and invoices, saving her tons of time in follow up. We also created a training module so she could onboard new team members with a clear path for using the CRM.

Go Simplify

Insurance can be complicated

Jeff was entering customer data into multiple databases for different marketing campaigns. We first migrated his customers from Less Annoying CRM to a white label CRM built on the Go High Level platform. This turned out to be more than Jeff needed — he didn’t want a jet airplane; he wanted more of a Greyhound Bus. So we moved him to Hubspot, which can grow with your business.

Stay inspired with helpful tips, stories, and news on LinkedIn.

Let’s grow your business network

We’ll be with you every step of the way.