Your path to profit is also your path to peace of mind. Catalyze more leads with a business catalyst workshop.

I was on an erratic journey of overachieving, burning out, and reinventing until I realized that my addiction to extraordinary was putting an unscalable wall between me and my goals. It wasn’t until my last complete burn out that I realized working hard does not equal success. 

I was working to the point of burnout without a scalable process. When I tried to put a bunch of great ideas into systems without a journey map to success, I just had more work to do. What is insanity? Doing the same thing over and over hoping for a different outcome. Technology without a process is just another line item. I finally broke the code.

Your path to profit might be nearer than you think.

My superpower is creating salon-style audience engagement with professionals in the following realms:

  • Leveraging LinkedIn to Cultivate Business Connections

  • GRO your Business by Cultivating a Process & Plan

  • CRM Geek 911: How do I Choose a Relationship Management System?

The groups that hire me to speak have an interest in creating a world of happy, whole humans knowing they will be better employees, partners, parents, and friends. If your group wants to dig deeper, we can talk

  • The ROI on Employee Wellness

  • Harnessing the Monkeys of Burnout with a Whole Life Strategy

Where do you see your group in this picture? Let’s brainstorm what will set your brilliance free. Pick a time.

Whatever it is — keynote, panel discussion, workshop or podcast — Donna has been catalyzing conversations for 35 years.

  • Build Your Business Workshops

  • Community Forum on Mental Health at Work

  • Crazy, as Usual, Podcast

  • John Maxwell Team Leadership Courses

  • Life Strategy Retreats